Recently I had a conversation with my mum about why my parents made me go to Chapel three times a week when I was at school. My parents aren't religious and I wasn't raised with faith. But until the age of 16 when I informed them I would no longer be attending whether they signed the permission slip or not I would not be attending Chapel on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. My mother believes that this exposure to religion shaped my moral and ethical world view. I disagree. Several years ago I developed the idea that there are people I call "openly religious". These are people who will usually say something like "I'm [Christian] therefore I believe that we should not help [the poor, the sick, refugees….] because they are unchristian and therefore undeserving". My £30,000 per year school and the teachings I received in Chapel was full of openly religious people. And I hated the hypocrisy. Here I was being forced to sit in a freezing cold ma...