Ultralight Travel in a Personal Item
While this is a little delayed due to a laundry traffic jam (3 other housemates, 1 washer it's like the 100 meter sprint everytime it stops). Anyway I have finally managed to get my act together to write up this post to show what I took to Bath with me in October. This trip was only two days (one night), where I stayed in a private room in a hostel. To be honest this is roughly what and how I would pack for any overnight stay or my dopp kit for a looooong travel day so I can have a quick change to feel a bit more human. The absolute most important thing when travelling light is to pack versatile clothes. For me that means 2/3 items I have from Encircled, a Canadian brand that designs clothes meant for female travellers who want to avoid the "I have artistically tied a blanket around me in 6 different ways"-look. I love most of their designs but I hesitate to recommend them because: 1) I am based in the UK, shipping and import fees are very high on top of the costs of th...